Bounty Hunting Rewards in Red Dead Online

Bounty Hunting Rewards and 3X Payouts on Weekly Featured Series All Month, Plus a Free Community-Inspired Outfit and More in Red Dead Online.

Crime is rife out there on the frontier — it will take bravery, determination, and a stacked arsenal to make a dent in it. Suit up to fight fugitives and bring them in dead or alive as a Bounty Hunter to benefit from a host of rewards and bonuses all month long.

New players can head to Rhodes and kickstart their vigilante career with 5 Gold Bars off the Bounty Hunter License. Once properly documented, all hunters will be paid out 2X RDO$ and XP on Regular Bounties picked up from any Bounty Board, in addition to any Player Bounties completed. Legendary and Infamous Bounties are also paying out 3X RDO$ and XP all month long.

Licensed Bounty Hunters who play Red Dead Online anytime between March 1 and April 4 will receive 150 Revolver Cartridges and a Reward for a free Honor Reset, while Prestigious Bounty Hunters will also receive a free Bounty Clear for playing. Each of these Rewards will be accessible from the Benefits menu within 72 hours.

Red Dead Online
Red Dead Online

March 1–7: Complete 2 Player Bounties this week to receive a Discount for 30% off a Bounty Hunter Wagon.

March 8–14: Complete 5 Regular, Legendary, or Infamous Bounties to get a Treasure Map leading to a haul under West Hill Haven. Complete 10 Regular, Legendary, or Infamous Bounties to receive a Treasure Map with information about a chest located near O’Creagh’s Run.

March 15–21: Complete 5 Legendary Bounties to get a select colorway of Tied Pants.

March 22–28: Complete 5 Infamous Bounties and receive a select colorway of the Hopeman Vest.

March 29–April 4: Completing 15 Regular, Legendary, or Infamous Bounties will result in a prize of 3 Gold Bars.

If you’re ready to progress to the bounty hunting elite, simply reach a 3-day Bounty Hunter Role Streak to receive a Reward for 5 Gold Bars off the cost of the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License. Those who reach a 3-day streak while already carrying their Prestigious License will receive a Reward for 30% off a Prestigious Bounty Hunter Item.

Tracking down and completing a Player Bounty over the course of the month will get you a Reward for 50% off a Single Bandolier.

All Red Dead Online players who log in this month will receive 5 Special Horse Revivers to keep their steed hearty, healthy, and upright during the crime spree.

Bounty Hunter outfit
Bounty Hunter outfit


Bounty Hunters are known to strike fear into the hearts of men and women wheresoever they may roam, but some are known for their style, flair, and panache in doing so. These are the looming, terrifying figures that survivors sing campfire songs about.

This month, players can claim the parts to assemble a stylish and slick Bounty Hunter outfit for free — all thanks to Redditor whiskotto on the r/RedDeadFashion Subreddit for sharing this superb ensemble. Pick up the Bellerose Hat, Shotgun Coat, Everyday Shirt (male), Western Shirtwaist (female), Richfield Vest, Cuffed Town Pants, Military Half Chaps, and Cavalry Boots, along with select colorways of the Dress Tie and Leather Gloves.

In addition, the Cardozo Vest and Calhoun Boots have returned to the pages of the Catalogue and shelves of local Tailors, both for a limited time only. Get them while you can.

Bounty Hunter Free Roam Events
Bounty Hunter Free Roam Events


As a crime wave swells on the frontier, it’s up to the brave and determined to bring villains to heel. Complete Bounty Hunter Free Roam Events like Manhunt and Day of Reckoning anytime over the month to get 2X RDO$ and Bounty Hunter Role XP. Completing a Bounty Hunter Free Roam Event each week this month will also land you 5 Capitale and turn in a Bounty each week between March 1–March 28 to receive 2 Gold Bars.

Featured Series
Featured Series


Keep an eye on each week’s rotating Featured Series, as all of them are paying out triple the usual RDO$ and XP. Winning a single match in any Featured Series will land you an Offer for half off select Vests at Tailors across the five states and in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue. All Rewards and Offers will be delivered within 72 hours of completion.

March 1–March 7: Gun Rush (Hardcore)

  • Complete 2 Player Bounties this week to receive a Discount for 30% off a Bounty Hunter Wagon.

March 8–March 14: Takeover Series (Hardcore)

  • Complete 5 RegularLegendary, or Infamous Bounties to get a Treasure Map leading to a haul under West Hill Haven.
  • Wrangle 10 RegularLegendary, or Infamous Bounties to receive a Treasure Map with information about a chest located near O’Creagh’s Run.

March 15–March 21: Elimination Series (Hardcore)

  • Complete 5 Legendary Bounties to get a select colorway of Tied Pants.

March 22–March 28: Team Shootout Series (Hardcore)

  • Complete 5 Infamous Bounties and receive a select colorway of the Hopeman Vest.

March 29–April 4: Showdown Series (Hardcore)

  • Completing 15 RegularLegendary, or Infamous Bounties will result in a prize of 3 Gold Bars.


Looking to get into the business of snuffing out criminals? As mentioned up top, all aspiring soldiers of fortune can take 5 Gold Bars off the Bounty Hunter License. After the bodies have been dropped off, nurse your wounds with free Whiskey and Beer at all Saloons.

Meanwhile, Stables across the five states are offering 40% off all Andalusian and Breton Horse breeds.

And already licensed Bounty Hunters can take 30% off all Bounty Hunter Outfits (including The Wakeeney, The Bullard, The Garwood, The Carthage, and The Thorogood). A variety of weapons, supplies, clothing, and armaments are also discounted this month.

Bounty Hunting
Bounty Hunting

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